26 Mayıs 2015 Salı

Law Enforcement Officer Statistics in Dillon, Beaverhead County, Montana by Year

Law Enforcement Officer Statistics in Dillon, Beaverhead County, Montana by Year

Caution Against Ranking
Each year when Crime in the United States is published, some entities use reported figures to compile rankings of cities and counties. These rough rankings provide no insight into the numerous variables that mold crime in a particular town, city, county, state, or region. Consequently, they lead to simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that often create misleading perceptions adversely affecting communities and their residents. Valid assessments are possible only with careful study and analysis of the range of unique conditions affecting each local law enforcement jurisdiction. The data user is, therefore, cautioned against comparing statistical data of individual reporting units from cities, metropolitan areas, states, or colleges or universities solely on the basis of their population coverage or student enrollment.
See Caution Against Ranking for additional information.

Total Law Enforcement Employees99N/A989
rate per 100K pop.223220212192217
Total Law Enforcement Employees: Rate per 100K population
Total Officers88N/A878
rate per 100K pop.199196188168193
Total Officers: Rate per 100K population
2011 Footnotes
  1. If a blank is presented in the arson column, it indicates that the FBI did not receive 12 complete months of arson data for that agency.
  2. Because of changes in the state/local agency's reporting practices, figures are not comparable to previous years' data.
  3. The population for the city of Mobile, Alabama, includes 55,819 inhabitants from the jurisdiction of the Mobile County Sheriff's Department.
  4. The FBI determined that the agency's data were overreported. Consequently, those data are not included in this table.
  5. The FBI determined that the agency did not follow national Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program guidelines for reporting an offense. Consequently, this figure is not included in this table.
  6. The FBI determined that the agency's data were underreported. Consequently, those data are not included in this table.
  7. The data collection methodology for the offense of forcible rape used by Chicago, Illinois, and the Minnesota state UCR Program (with the exception of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota) does not comply with national UCR Program guidelines. Consequently, its figures for forcible rape and violent crime (of which forcible rape is a part) are not published in this table.

2010 Footnotes
  1. The FBI does not publish arson data unless it receives data from either the agency or the state for all 12 months of the calendar year.
  2. The FBI determined that the agency's data were underreported. Consequently, those data are not included in this table.
  3. The FBI determined that the agency's data were overreported. Consequently, those data are not included in this table.
  4. The population for the city of Mobile, Alabama, includes 55,995 inhabitants from the jurisdiction of the Mobile County Sheriff's Department.
  5. Because of changes in the state/local agency's reporting practices, figures are not comparable to previous years' data.
  6. The FBI determined that the agency did not follow national Uniform Crime Reporting Program guidelines for reporting an offense. Consequently, this figure is not included in this table.
  7. The data collection methodology for the offense of forcible rape used by Chicago, Illinois, and the Minnesota state UCR Program (with the exception of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota) does not comply with national UCR Program guidelines. Consequently, its figures for forcible rape and violent crime (of which forcible rape is a part) are not published in this table.

2009 Footnotes
  1. The FBI does not publish arson data unless it receives data from either the agency or the state for all 12 months of the calendar year.
  2. The FBI determined that the agency's data were underreported. Consequently, those data are not included in this table.
  3. The FBI determined that the agency's data were overreported. Consequently, those data are not included in this table.
  4. The population for the city of Mobile, Alabama, includes 55,995 inhabitants from the jurisdiction of the Mobile County Sheriff's Department.
  5. The FBI determined that the agency did not follow national Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program guidelines for reporting an offense. Consequently, this figure is not included in this table.
  6. Because of changes in the state/local agency's reporting practices, figures are not comparable to previous years' data.
  7. The data collection methodology for the offense of forcible rape used by the Illinois and the Minnesota state UCR Programs (with the exception of Rockford, Illinois, and Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota) does not comply with national UCR Program guidelines. Consequently, their figures for forcible rape and violent crime (of which forcible rape is a part) are not published in this table.

2008 Footnotes
  1. Includes offenses reported by the Zoological Police and the Metro Transit Police.
  2. Limited data for 2008 were available for Illinois. See Data Declaration.
  3. The data collection methodology for the offense of forcible rape used by the Illinois and the Minnesota state UCR Programs (with the exception of Rockford, IL, and Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN) does not comply with national UCR guidelines. Consequently, their state figures for forcible rape (with the exception of Rockford, IL, and Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN) have been estimated for inclusion in this table. Table 8, Offenses Known to Law Enforcement, provides the reported female forcible rape crime figure.
NOTE: Although arson data are included in the trend and clearance tables, sufficient data are not available to estimate totals for this offense. Therefore, no arson data are published in this table.

2007 Footnotes
  1. Includes offenses reported by the Zoological Police and the Metro Transit Police.
  2. Limited data for 2007 were available for Illinois. See Data Declaration.
  3. The data collection methodology for the offense of forcible rape used by the Illinois and the Minnesota state UCR Programs (with the exception of Rockford, Illinois, and Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota) does not comply with national UCR guidelines. Consequently, their state figures for forcible rape (with the exception of Rockford, Illinois, and Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota) have been estimated for inclusion in this table. Table 8, Offenses Known to Law Enforcement, provides the reported female forcible rape crime figure.
NOTE: Although arson data are included in the trend and clearance tables, sufficient data are not available to estimate totals for this offense. Therefore, no arson data are published in this table.

2006 Footnotes
  1. Includes offenses reported by the Zoological Police and the Metro Transit Police.
  2. Limited data for 2006 were available for Illinois. See Data Declaration.
  3. The data collection methodology for the offense of forcible rape used by the Illinois (with the exception of Rockford, Illinois) and the Minnesota state UCR Programs do not comply with national UCR guidelines. Consequently, their figures for forcible rape (with the exception of Rockford, Illinois) have been estimated for inclusion in this table. Table 8, Offenses Known to Law Enforcement, provides the reported female forcible rape crime figure.
NOTE: Although arson data are included in the trend and clearance tables, sufficient data are not available to estimate totals for this offense. Therefore, no arson data are published in this table.

2005 Footnotes
  1. Includes offenses reported by the Zoological Police and the Metro Transit Police.
  2. Limited data for 2005 were available for Illinois.
NOTE: Although arson data are included in the trend and clearance tables, sufficient data are not available to estimate totals for this offense. Therefore, no arson data are published in this table.

2004 Footnotes
  1. Includes offenses reported by the Zoological Police and the Metro Transit Police.
  2. Limited data for 2004 were available for Illinois. See Offense Estimation, Appendix I, for details.
NOTE: Although arson data are included in the trend and clearance tables, sufficient data are not available to estimate totals for this offense. Therefore, no arson data are published in this table.

2003 Footnotes
  1. Includes offenses reported by the Zoological Police and the Metro Transit Police.
  2. Limited data for 2003 were available for Illinois and Kentucky. See Offense Estimation, Appendix I, for details.
NOTE: Although arson data are included in the trend and clearance tables, sufficient data are not available to estimate totals for this offense.

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